Nana's 17th Birthday

Hellow! It's first day of June 2014. Do nothing and feel tired during my holidays. Guess what. I still the one who blush always.

After editing all of the photos only I know I did not take the photo of food! Lol We're just busy on eating. We had steamboad as our dinner. What. Hotdog fishball chicken mushroom brocolli vege and blablabla. Bubu and Tritri did something whatthefuck. I do record and so sorry I can't show you guys. Hahhahahaha 

Until night. We put on mask together we din't talk our words but we play on the bed. WHAT. We rolling on others and kicking each other. Never forget to hug the beside one. Hahhaha 

The another afternoon. We go badminton together and I am damn sleepy.... zzZ
I do try the Cheese Nan here and it sucks. :S

Her happy face with her 3D cake. Hhahahahaha

Up side from left : Jo Bu ; Down side from right : Ju Na Tri 

 Mama Liang is happy too. Weeeeeeee!!

 Make a wish come true.

 Cake from Hokkaido Japanese Pastry House and so damn nice. I mean the cream Hhahahaha :p

Mama Liang's supper for us. >:D

Bed time :

Goodnight x Sweetdream

Still the lazy one. 


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